Kimpton Hotels & Restaurants: Glasgow Guide

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Kimpton Hotels & Restaurants: Glasgow Guide

Kimpton Blythswood Square (Courtesy Kimpton Hotels & Restaurants)

Kimpton Blythswood Square (Courtesy Kimpton Hotels & Restaurants)

London, Paris, Rome…and how about Glasgow? If you’re planning a summer getaway in Europe, don’t overlook Scotland’s largest city. This riverside metropolis is a trade and financial hub in the UK, sure, but it’s also a cultural melting pot with some of the most unique art, design, architecture music, and food in the world right now.

Kimpton just opened the newest hotel in Glasgow, the Kimpton Blythswood Square, which is close to must-see attractions along with pockets of cool contemporary art, indie music clubs, and flavors ranging from some of the UK’s best curry to riffs on Scotland’s national dish (haggis, in case you were wondering). And I’ve got a new guide with some local favorites and off-the-beaten-path finds for the best sights, dining, and drinking in Glasgow.

Check out my Glasgow guide on Kimpton’s Life Is Suite blog, and let me know if you plan a visit!