Fashion Punditry

Fashion Punditry
March 24, 2009
CG Originals: From Peru to Washington
April 9, 2009
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Fashion Punditry

I’ve been a terrible blogger the past week. Please forgive me. But I have an explanation! First, I spend so much time thinking about clothes that I forget to do things like sleep and eat five servings of fruits and veggies, and these habits seem to have caught up with me. Second, I was preparing last week for yet another episode of Focus Washington about a topic that I haven’t blogged about here: men’s fashion.

Men have it easy. Put on a well-fitting suit, an ironed shirt, a tie, and shiny shoes, and you instantly look put together. Besides, what girl doesn’t love a man in a suit? (Answer: None!) Women have many more chances to screw up their outfits–and in D.C., they often do. D.C. men, on the other hand, generally look okay and just need to learn that 1. color is acceptable and 2. the tailor is man’s best friend.

Barack Obama and Adrian Fenty are some of the best dressed, primarily because their suits fit. The worst dressed men I see wear suits that seem to be three sizes too large, gaping at the sleeves and butt–the ladies don’t like this, guys!–and falling off the shoulders. Instead, wear a fitted, but not tight, suit that is tailored to your proportions if necessary. (Any drycleaner will nip and tuck a suit.) Add a dash of color like a pocket square and you’ll stand out among the rest of the dark suits and blue ties hovering over the Ethics-approved cheese plate.